Bloom: Helping Children Blossom

Welcome to
BLOOM: Helping Children Blossom

Thanks for joining us on this journey to helping all kids become the best versions of themselves by providing them with the behavioral, social-emotional and life skills to flourish!

IMPORTANT: Directions for download

1.  When you finalize payment, you will be taken to the Pay Pal receipt page.
2.  Do NOT close this page!!!
3.  Under "Thanks for Your Payment" on the right hand side, you will find a link highlighted in yellow that says, "CLICK HERE FOR DOWNLOAD".  It will take you to the download page. 
4.  Follow instructions there.
5.  Any problems, contact us here.  We'll get back with you within 24 hours.


Thank you for being a
valued customer!

After you click the link for the download, you will receive further instructions.  Most importantly, it will take several minutes to download the product, as it is a large file.  Do not navigate to another page.  Please be patient and hum to your self while you wait. It's a good way to role-model patience to your kids! 
Dr. Lynne Kenney
Just $7.97

Learning all of this information from either of us in our offices would cost you thousands of dollars.  You can benefit from over 50 years of combined expertise and research-based, best-practices in raising kids for about the cost of two cups of gourmet coffee. The coffee pick-me up will last you a short while.  The pick-me up you will receive from BLOOM will last a lifetime and have a ripple effect for generations to come!